Weekly Highlights #40
The content we consume can consume us, if we are not mindful enough. In this period of information overload and analysis paralysis, The ‘Weekly Highlights’ collects the 3, most valuable pieces of content I have come across during the week, and packages them in a single page, with some notes and key highlights, so to foster mindful and intentional consumption of content, which can truly add value to our life. This week, there is one piece of content shared, as opposed to three.
Intentional content consumption, in an era in which the amount of content we expose ourselves to can consume us, if we are not mindful enough. 🐘
“Amateurs show up when they want to and make what they want to make. I love being an amateur at some things. Don’t sell your hobbies. Do your hobbies for you. But if you’re going to be a pro, it means you need to understand the state of the art, it means you need to raise the bar, you need to understand who it’s for and what it’s for and what change do you seek to make.” — Seth Godin
“If you wake up in a bad mood, if you hit a speed bump, if you get a bit of negative feedback from someone who is just a bystander, it’s super easy to spiral out of control and to determine that maybe you should take some time away or that what you’re working on isn’t really important enough. In those moments, you are not the best version of yourself but you’re still yourself. If you have a practice, you get through them.” — Seth Godin
Quote of the week
“Nature has no concept of happiness or unhappiness. Nature follows unbroken mathematical laws and a chain of cause and effect from the Big Bang to now. Everything is perfect exactly the way it is. It is only in our particular minds we are unhappy or not happy, and things are perfect or imperfect because of what we desire.”
This Week's Article
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